Toughie Bag Network

2 min. read

The Bags

With the massive uptake of take-out and delivery services, the need for sustainable reusable packaging alternatives has become more pressing than ever.

We designed the "Toughie Bag" as a lightweight and durable alternative to plastic and paper bags to safely carry a variety of products for delivery and regular shopping. After careful research and several trials we choose a sturdy organic cotton canvas which is waxed with a custom blend of natural waxes and oils for extra durability and to keep whatever is stored inside the bag safe from water and the elements.

In the spirit of EOTL's open source philosophy the "Toughie Bag" pattern is available for everyone to make their own custom version, including full instructions and little hacks on how to make the process as easy as possible.

If you're interested in learning more about what inspired the name of our bag and lighted the spark to start EOTL, read about Toughie, the last known living Rabbs' fringe-limbed treefrog.


We have come up with different options to participate in the Toughie Bag network for both private and business customers which are actively reviewing and evaluating to find the best solution to make this circular model work efficiently and user friendly.


Private customers can purchase their own Toughie Bag for personal use, choose the "Pfand" option when ordering through Nullpoint or a participating courier collective or simply pick up a "Toughie Bag" from the network of participating local shops for a Pfand deposit.


Business owners also have the option of purchasing their own Toughie Bags to feed into the network or resell or have a set amount of maintained and cleaned bags delivered to them on a weekly or monthly basis for a flat fee.

Couriers & Logistics

As a type of B2B customer, we happily collaborate with courier and logistics companies interested in becoming more sustainable.


If you no longer need a Toughie Bag and want a 5 EUR deposit back, please bring it to one of these Berlin collection points:

You can also contact one of the following channels for free courier collection:

Toughie, The Frog

RIP. 09.2016

Toughie's story

Join Us

If you find radically sustainable logistics and creating systems for non-traditional economic activity an interesting endeavour- we'd love to talk and have you on board. We accept volunteer effort, but also have some budget for hiring contractors.

Learn More

Source Code

We host all our open-source code for our software, designs, and other creative output on the Berlin based Git forge Codeberg which is a non-profit registered organization and is finanally supported by it's userbase.

Read The Source